About Fleckor MEDIA LLP

A Creative Firm that handles everything from ideation to results

Fleckor is the one-stop platform that handles everything from ideation to results. The idea of bringing various integrated marketing, design & development services needs under one roof is our reason to exist

Web design & development
Performance Marketing
Inbound Marketing
Consultancy Services
Some highlights of our work
Featured Works

Physiotherapy & Diagnostic Centre

Interiors Website

HOA Propety Managment Website

Personal Website

University / Institutional Website ( Education)

Health & Wellness Website


GTH India 2023 , Supporting partner at IIT Madras
EO GSEA Chennai Finalist Startup
Ranked UnderTop 100 Startups at YTBC 2022
Highlights of services

A creative agency
specialized in brand

Fleckor is a creative firm that offers a range of services, including web development, design, marketing, and video production. Their comprehensive approach ensures that businesses get everything they need in one place.

Some Of Our Esteemed Clients

loved by our customers

Clients Testimonial

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Projects Delivered
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Dr. R. Hafeez Basha

Hon’ble President

Innovative creative solutions not only improve processes but also gain the success of your business

Finding new ideas and strategies to create brilliant business opportunities and giving value-added solutions to our clients, we develop new applications and induce excellent techniques within the areas of web design, software development, and online marketing.

Thanks to our capacity to adapt to dynamic innovations while keeping the unique needs of our regarded clients at the front line of the company’s core interest..”

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